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Rural Times - Early Summer Edition 2024

Good morning,


The latest edition of our E-magazine, Rural Times, is now available to read. You can view this on our website here: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/downloads/hampshire/advice/rural-times/2024/rural-times---early-summer-2024.pdf


This edition focuses on some of the seasonal crimes impacting rural communities in the summer, including fish poaching. Poaching does not just involve the theft of fish, or individuals fishing illegally, it also sees hardworking riverkeepers threatened, assaulted and harassed. 


This edition of Rural Times highlights the lived experience of one local riverkeeper who has been threatened with extreme violence, and has seen his colleagues assaulted and terrorised by criminals on the river network.


The magazine shares advice and information around growing trends of GPS thefts from farm vehicles, large scale thefts of cable and metal from industrial sites, and recent police activity in rural areas including wildlife crime incidents we have been dealing with.


We also have input from the Hampshire Ornithological Society, an article from the RSPB highlighting risks of wildfire in nature havens, and input from the CLA about the impact of rural isolation on the farming community.

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Message Sent By
Jack Backwell
(Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

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