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Are you receiving unwanted contact from someone in prison? The national Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service can help.


Are you feeling threatened by an ex-partner or someone serving a prison sentence? Are you being intimidated as a witness by someone in prison?  


The national Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service can help. 


The service can help prevent people from receiving unwanted contact from prisoners which actioned via a request to block contact of individuals causing harm, alarm or distress by providing details such as registered names, addresses or phone numbers.


It is available to anyone, including victims and witnesses, and is there to help you if you are receiving any form of contact or correspondence that makes you feel bullied, harassed, intimidated, or is simply not wanted.


The service can stop you getting unwanted: 


  • Letters

  • Phone calls

  • Texts

  • Other messages from a prisoner

    These provisions protect victims and witnesses from unwanted contact. This is especially important if you – as the victim – are vulnerable or subject to controlling, coercive behaviour, exploitation, harassment or intimidation. Preventing contact is critical in stopping further harm, maintaining confidence and supporting prosecutions.


    Requests to block contact can be made directly by you as the victim, on behalf of the victim with their consent, or by police, probation, victim services, friends, or family members of the victim without their consent. Each case will be assessed individually.


    To request non-contact, you will need to provide:


  • Your name and contact details

  • The prisoner’s name and prisoner number (if you know it)

  • The name, address, telephone number and email address (if applicable) of the person(s) not to be contacted

    To access the service, you have a number of options. You can complete the online form on the Gov.UK website - https://gov.uk/stop-prisoner-contact, make contact via email: unwantedprisonercontact@justice.gov.uk or alternatively, you can contact them by phone on 0300 060 6699 (available Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm).

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    Message Sent By
    Wes Hutchins
    (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials