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You Said – We Did!


Hi Resident

If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (very quick and simple).

This week South Wight Neighbourhoods Officers received training in Speed Detection Devices from our Roads Policing Team. If you would like us to deploy Speed Enforcement in your area, please contact us about a Community Speed Watch Scheme (details below). This is part of our commitment to delivering on the Priority’s you have set for us locally by completing the short form at Let’s Talk. You can do this now by scanning the QR code in the images or using the link below - your answers can directly influence how we target our resources in the Bay!

We are working hard with our Partners to solve some of the long-term issues around these Priorities whilst increasing visible Police patrols on foot and cycle throughout the Bay. Your local officers are supporting the most vulnerable in our communities and relentlessly targeting those who look to cause harm.

You have asked us to concentrate on:

- Reducing Anti-Social Behaviour
- Disrupting the use and supply of Controlled Drugs
- Improve Road Safety (Specifically Speed and Parking)
- Fly Tipping
- Dog Fouling

You Said – We Did!

- We have seen a 49% reduction in ASB for the Bay since the start of Operation Spider in 2021, we are however continuing our efforts to maintain and further this reduction.
- We are targeting Drug use and supply by working closely with licenced premises, supporting vulnerable people to seek help with addiction and intelligence led patrols in uniform and plain clothes, using our Stop and Search powers and premises closure powers.
- We are targeting Speeding and road safety by working closely with our Roads Policing Team to enforce road traffic offences & running educational inputs. We are looking for volunteers to start Community Speed watch Scheme's – please contact us if this interests you!
- We are working closely with the local authority to support them in taking action with Dog Fouling & Parking concerns.

On Thursday (27/06) Inspector Abel (my boss) donned his Custodian Helmet and joined us for some foot patrol in Sandown, taking time to stop and speak with local Business Owners to understand the impact of people drinking to excess on Sandown Sea Front and to reassure them of what we are doing in partnership to solve the issues. We are utilising our powers to seize and destroy alcohol as Sandown is non-drinking area, our powers to disperse groups under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and working closely with our dedicated partners at the Community Safety Partnership and Outreach teams to find some long term support and solutions for those involved.

- Details of when the team will be at Beat Surgeries or Events in Shanklin can be found at - https://orlo.uk/7XSaE
- Our Let’s Talk Priorities form can be found at https://orlo.uk/LetsTalk_CEWN5
- If starting a Speed Watch in your area interests you please contact us as south.wight.police@hampshire.police.uk

Our Team will be on foot and cycle patrols in Sandown, Lake, Shanklin and Ventnor all weekend – please stop and say hello when you see us!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sgt Sharland
South Wight NPT


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Message Sent By
Jackie May
(Hampshire Constabulary, PCSO, Isle of wight)

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