The Police
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Prolific shoplifter sentenced to 24 weeks in custody

Good evening, 


You are receiving this email, because as a resident of Farnborough, you may well have come across an offender within the town centre by chance.  Christopher Waite, of Farnborough, was recently taken to court over a series of charges; this has resulted in him being sentenced to 24 weeks in custody.


A 24 week custodial sentence is significant, and is due to the support of local residents / businesses providing statements and CCTV, as well as hard work from local officers across several departments to compile the evidence against him in order to take him to court.


We will continue to target those who negatively affect our community, and wish to thank anyone who has contributed towards this recent series of investigations.


As always, I appreciate hearing whether this information has been useful to you; please could you use the voting buttons below to provide feedback.  Finally, please do send this on to your friends and family, and encourage them to sign up to Hampshire Alerts if they haven't already done so.


Kind Regards


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Message Sent By
Annette Barnett
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Farnborough South & West)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials