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Man jailed for seven and a half years for robbing stores at knifepoint

A man has been jailed for seven years and six months for four counts of robbery and two counts of possessing a bladed article in a public place.

Lee Samuel Fewings, 32, of no fixed address in Portsmouth, was arrested in London and appeared at Portsmouth Crown Court in March, where he was found guilty of all offences. He appeared again at the same court for sentencing on Friday 21 June.

Fewings was arrested and charged following a detailed joint investigation by several departments, including the Portsmouth High Harm team, into a series of robberies involving offensive weapons of convenience stores in Southsea and Hilsea.

On Saturday 13 January, Fewings entered the Premier Store on Victoria Road North in Southsea and threatened a staff member with a belt. He then stole £100 in cash from the cash register and fled the scene. 

Fewings returned to the store on Saturday 20 January and threatened the same member of staff, this time with a bike chain, before breaking the register, stealing £200 and running away.

On Tuesday 23 January, Fewings entered the Charmi Convenience Premier Store, Hilsea Market on London Road, threatened a staff member with a knife, and stole £700 in cash. 

Fewings returned to this store five days later on Sunday 28 January and again threatened the same staff member with a knife. He then stole £300 of cash and tobacco pouches and ran out of the shop.

As part of the investigation, officers reviewed extensive CCTV and doorbell camera footage and, despite the efforts Fewings had made to cover his face during the robberies, were able to identify him as the perpetrator in all four incidents.

Portsmouth Priority Crime Team Inspector Helen Mosely said: “Retail staff should not face threats or violence while carrying out their jobs and we work closely with commercial premises in the city to support the business community and the safety of their workers.

“This sentence send a clear message to thieves that we will relentlessly pursue you and that the courts take these kinds of incidents very seriously”.

To help protect your business:

  • Make sure staff are able to use any appropriate security equipment such as panic alarms.
  • Make sure CCTV cameras are in good working order, the position provides the best possible coverage and they are serviced annually.
  • Remind staff to report any suspicious activity to the manager or the police. Details should also be recorded and include: date, time, description of person.
  • The community are our eyes and ears and we encourage you to report all incidents as soon as you are able to by calling 101 if it’s not an emergency.

    You can also report suspicious activity online by visiting our website: https://www.hampshire.police.uk

    If a crime is in progress, always call 999.

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    Message Sent By
    Amy Watson
    (Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, Communications Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight)

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