The Police
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Fleet residents urged to remain vigilant after visits from people claiming to work for utility companies

We are urging residents to remain vigilant following recent reports of suspicious incidents involving unexpected visitors claiming to be from management or utility companies at addresses in the Fleet area.

In recent weeks, we have received reports that men have attended addresses on Leipzig Road, Wickham Road and Woodman Court, claiming to be from management or utility companies.

It was reported that the men have either shown blurry identification cards, or none at all, and residents have felt concerned by their behaviour.

On some occasions, they have checked household appliances, smoke alarms, read meters and have pretended to take photographs.

Nothing has been reported stolen but officers would like to make residents aware following these recent reports.

Please read the crime prevention advice below:

• Please ensure that all unattended windows and doors are locked and secure

• When answering the door to an unexpected visitor and they request to carry out assessments on services, ask for their formal identification

• Confirm they are working for the company they state they are from and make sure that their visit is genuine

• If you are unsure, you can always say no

If you see anything odd or suspicious, please report it to the police online or call 101. In an emergency, or if a crime is taking place, always call 999.

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Message Sent By
Abe Hawken
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, Communications Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight)

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