The Police
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Beat Surgery COOP, Highlands Road : Fri 02 Aug 17:30

Dear Resident,

We are encouraging the public to have their say, at an event as detailed below.


This community meeting gives you the opportunity to raise any concerns and to find out what we are doing to tackle the issues that matter to you.


We will be discussing crime prevention advice around how to keep your vehicles safe and answering any questions you may have.


Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there, please indicate if you are interested (or not) with the interactive buttons below. 


Please use the buttons below to contact me if you have questions and to share this message with anyone or groups that you think would be interested.


If you miss us or are unable to make it,you can have your say by completing the Let's Talk survey.


Please click here to complete the survey



Kind regards,

PCSO 16466 Lianne


Beat Surgery COOP, Highlands Road
Beat surgeries are a great opportunity to meet your local beat officers and discuss any problems that you may have.
When & Where is it?
Fri 02 Aug 2024 17:30
139 Highlands Road
PO15 6QL

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Message Sent By
Lianne McAllister
(Police, PCSO, Fareham West NorthWest)

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