The Police
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Help us to target drug related problems

Good afternoon, 


You are receiving this email because you have indicated that drugs are a priority for you.


Please could you let me know how useful this information has been by using the voting buttons below.  Please also forward this to anyone who may not be registered with Hampshire Alerts, as the information is applicable nation wide, and they may then sign up and also benefit from alerts sent out by their local police.


Something we often come across is that residents know a lot of information, but don't necessarily realise the value of that information and how helpful it can be for us.  An officer I use to work with, use to say that “We visit the beat, but the residents are the experts”, and this is so true.


From a community police point of view, the main power we would use to help disrupt drug related criminality, would be our powers to stop and search someone / a vehicle, under the Misuse of Drugs Act.  We get our powers based upon suspicion and that can be due to a number of reasons that we have to justify at the time we use those powers.  How can you help us?  (Help us help you), please report the small things that individually ‘don’t seem much', but collectively, or perhaps in conjunction with something else we know- allows us to justify using our powers.  Please never place yourself at risk though to obtain information, we are not asking you to do that.


I spoke to a lovely resident this morning who explained they were concerned about making reports that seemed small; I can only ask that you do exactly this.  There are a number of ways to report concerns like this to us- you can report online via Hampshire police website, or anonymously via Crimestoppers ( please do not report them via email, or via Hampshire Alerts, we have to keep our sources of information safe and these are not appropriate routes to report them to).


Crimes and Intelligence can be analysed, and this helps us to plan our patrols, and try to be in the right places at the time right times.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Kind Regards



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Message Sent By
Annette Barnett
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Farnborough South & West)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials