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Preventing Burglaries

Good afternoon, 


You are receiving this alert because you have indicated that burglaries are a priority for you.  As we approach the beginning of the academic year, it's a great opportunity to remind residents of small steps that will help prevent opportunistic burglaries.


The reason I am sending this email now, as we approach the new school term is, neighbourhoods / roads / cul-de-sacs, are normally busier during school ‘rush’ hours, with lots of unknown people / new cars etc visiting the area.  This means someone who is a visitor doesn't stand out so much during that time.  Although it can be really tempting to leave the home slightly less insecure than normal, as you are ‘just popping out’, we'd like to remind you that means someone else can ‘just pop in’, so please ensure you lock and secure your home to the same level as you would when normally leaving your home:


Doors and windows locked and secure

Make use of home alarms

Making sure keys are in view of the windows, doors or letterbox.


For longer absences I like to use lights and radios on timer switches-if you are using these it's worthwhile putting any items on a timer switch in a room that cannot be easily viewed- in order to prevent it being clear a timer switch is being used.  The reason I suggest making use of a radio is because most homes are not silent when occupied ( certainly mine is not!); it's about creating the illusion that you are home.


If you would like any other ideas- such as defensive planting, or other methods to help secure your home; please let me know.


Kind Regards



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Message Sent By
Annette Barnett
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Farnborough South & West)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials