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Community SpeedWatch

Join Gosport SpeedWatch 


Community Speedwatch is co-ordinated by Hampshire Constabulary in partnership with Gosport Borough Council and other agencies.


We are looking for volunteers aged over 17 to join the team.


Community Speedwatch enables members of the public to become police support volunteers to assist the action that is being taken to address speeding on the roads of concern within their area.


The community scheme takes place in 20mph, 30mph and 40mph limits or zones, and although managed by your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, it is run by volunteers.


Volunteers use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic and then record the details, later adding them to a database. Vehicle checks are then undertaken by the police and letters are then sent to the registered keepers advising them of their speed and reminding them of why it is a community concern.


If you are interested in volunteering and can spare just a few hours 
a month please contact sarah.hughes@hampshire.police.uk


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Message Sent By
Jason Steel
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC - Local Bobby, Gosport Central)

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