The Police
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Welcome to Neighbourhood Alert

Dear Resident,


I am Insp Antony Botten and I am the project lead for our work around Let's Talk and speaking to communities to identify what matters to them.


I am excited to welcome you to Neighbourhood Alert, the community messaging systems brought to you by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary. This platform allows you to stay informed about local incidents and issues in your area.


What You’ll Receive:


Crime Updates: Get timely information about incidents, safety alerts, and crime prevention tips.


Local News: Stay in the loop with updates from your local officers and Neighbourhood Watch.


Community Engagement: Learn about campaigns, events, and initiatives happening near you.


Benefits of Using the Alert system:


Stay Safe: Receive alerts about incidents that may impact your safety or security.


Be Informed: Get real-time updates on local crime trends and police activities.


Take Action: Help us tackle crime by reporting incidents and sharing information.


Connect with your Community: Join a community of engaged residents who care about their area.


Let’s Talk Survey: We encourage you to participate in the Let’s Talk survey, where you can share your thoughts and contribute to community safety. You can learn more here - https://www.hampshire.police.uk/police-forces/hampshire-constabulary/areas/campaigns/lets-talk/  - or take the survey by the link below


Please click here to complete the survey


Local Pages: View the pages dedicated to your local area and find details of your Local Bobby - https://hampshirealert.co.uk/Content/AllLocalAreas 


Spread the Word: Feel free to share this valuable resource with your friends, family, and neighbours. Together, we can build safer communities.


Thank you for joining us on Neighbourhood Alert. We look forward to keeping you informed!




Insp Antony Botten

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Message Sent By
Antony Botten
(Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, Sgt, Alton)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials