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Potley Hill Preschool

Good afternoon Resident!


This morning I spent some time down at Potley Hill Preschool with a number of the teachers there, as they’ve reported to us that there has been a number of incidents within their forest school area. We were also joined by local Councillor Alex Drage who has made us aware of this issue.


They’ve told me that the area is regularly being damaged and used to consume vapes and tobacco, with whatever is left being discarded there. They’ve also seen on multiple occasions damage caused to their equipment.


This means that our community’s little people cannot learn and thrive in their outdoor environment as the area is made off limits whilst the staff have to tidy up.


I’ve been chatting to the teachers at the Preschool about how we can prevent issues in future and what to do to safeguard not only their belongings, but also the children who enjoy the Forest School so much. Amongst other things we’ll also be patrolling in the area to keep our young people safe and ensure they’ve got somewhere to develop and grow whilst enjoying themselves.


If you have any information that would help us in preventing this, or know someone who might be involved, please take the time to pop me an email at ben.blundell@hampshire.police.uk.


Stay safe,



PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.


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Message Sent By
Ben Blundell
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

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