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Man charged with shoplifting following stop and search in Southampton

We have charged a man with theft following a proactive stop and search in Southampton yesterday afternoon (Wednesday 25 September).


Shortly before 1pm officers on proactive patrol on Shirley Road spotted a man running away from a Co-op store. He was stopped and searched and various items, suspected to have been stolen, were located.   


Joshua Jeremy Hill, 23, of Millbrook Road East, has now been charged with theft from a shop.


He is next due to appear at Southampton Magistrates Court on Thursday 21 November.



We continue to address shoplifting across the city with targeted patrols and operations, both uniformed and plain clothed, as well as working closely with local businesses and other partners.


Specifically in Shirley, we have Operation Gatewatch, which is the dedicated work being carried out to target offenders and support our local businesses.


We continue our work targeting shoplifting in Shirley, as well as the associated anti-social behaviour and violence that comes with it.


If you see us out on patrol please do come and speak to us, or you can report any incidents to us on 101 or via our website.

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Message Sent By
Danielle Butler
(Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire)

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