The Police
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Swan Street, Petersfield - Theft From Motor Vehicle

Morning All, 


Just wanted to alert you to a recent attempt theft from a motor vehicle that occurred Castle Garden car park along Swan Street in Petersfield, sometime over the weekend (18/10/24 - 21/10/24). Informant reporting that unknown person(s) have tried to force open the side door on their van resulting in damage being caused. On this occasion offenders were unsuccessful in gaining entry.


If you have any information that may help with our enquiries please contact Police on 101 and quote reference number: 44240460624


Crime Prevention Advice:

  • When leaving your vehicle, close all windows and lock your car.

  • Upon locking your vehicle test the door to ensure it is definitely locked.

  • Park your vehicle in an attended car park.

  • Look for public car parks approved by the Park Mark scheme.

  • When parking at home, use your garage. If you don't have a garage, park in a well-lit area if possible.

  • Don't leave anything on display in your vehicle.

  • Take all your personal possessions with you.

  • Do not hide any valuable items. Take it with you or leave it at home.

  • Leave the glove box open to show there's nothing inside.

  • Do not store ownership documents inside the vehicle.

  • For information on alarms speak to your manufacturer and visit the Sold Secure website.

  • For further advice please click on the following link: Prevent theft from a vehicle | Crime Prevention | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary


    Please ensure you are vigilant at all times, calling police to report any suspicious activity, not just around your own property but anything suspicious in your residential area and community. In an emergency use 999 or 101 for non-emergency. It is not too late to report any suspicious activity to police.

    Alternatively if you have information but wish to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online @ crimestoppers-uk.org. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

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    Message Sent By
    Darryl Hook
    (Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, PCSO, Butser)

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