The Police
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Do you know who your LOCAL BOBBY is?

Do you know who your Local Bobby is?

At the start of this year, 99 Dedicated Neighbourhood Officers (DNOs), or Local Bobbies, were appointed to every neighbourhood in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Some neighbourhoods are just one ward, other neighbourhoods are several wards. The allocation of the officers has been based on crime trends.


Your Local Bobby is a neighbourhood policing officer dedicated to your area.


They will identify threat, harm and risk to tackle local issues and protect the community. They will investigate local crimes and collect intelligence, working closely with partner agencies to identify the best problem solving approach.


They are supported by Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Neighbourhood Enforcement Teams, District Police Teams (response officers), Missing Locate Teams, Priority Crime Teams, local investigation teams and specialist functions investigating serious violence, child abuse and organised crime.


Your Local Bobby will be highly visible in the community, listening to your concerns and addressing root causes of crime.


To find out who your Local Bobby is, search your postcode, street or town in the link here: https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/Content/LocalLookup


While Local Bobbies are a point of contact for their communities, anyone requesting an immediate police response or wishing to report a crime should always contact police either online, via 101 or 999 if an emergency.

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Message Sent By
Jack Backwell
(Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

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