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West Wight Neighbourhood Newsletter – January 2025

Good afternoon all,


Happy New Year! The latest edition of the West Wight Neighbourhood Newsletter is here.


The Cowes team now has 3 PCSOs and a police officer (PC). PCSO Romie Winchester and PC Brad Manning joined the team at the beginning of this month. They are looking forward to patrolling, and attending meetings and engagements.


PCSO Lisa Paul will be attending Northwood Cemetery’s Friday coffee morning on 7th February from 1030. Please come along and have a chat about any issues or concerns you have in the area.


PCSO Paul is also liaising with Cowes Food bank to have a meeting room for an hour or two each month for anyone to attend to chat. This will be advertised on Facebook when details are finalised.


The opening times for Cowes station, which is on the High Street, are advertised on Facebook and also on the station door. They vary each month so we can cater time-wise for many people’s availability. However, the openings aren’t always very well attended by the public, so please make the most of the opportunities to come and visit us. 


The Newport team will be holding a street surgery between 1600 and 1700 on 25th January in Carisbrooke High Street. 


The Yarmouth team have been responding to concerns around E-scooters being ridden illegally in the town. The Team handed out warnings to 3 individuals seen riding these scooters. We need to remind members of the public that these scooters are illegal and not to be ridden on public highways. If you are stopped on your own scooter, you will get a written warning and if you are seen on it again it will be seized. 


After a very successful bike marking event last year, we have planned another one for Saturday 18th January, 10am to 12pm at Memorial Hall, Avenue Road. Freshwater PO40 9UU.


Please attend any of the events or beat surgeries and take the time to talk to the team. You will also get the chance to take part in the “Let’s Talk” survey. Let’s Talk is a community survey initiative that aims to understand the needs of our local communities and enables you to share any concerns with our officers. You can complete the survey online in your own time here: https://survey.hampshirealert.co.uk/

Last month there were reports of a dog worrying sheep in Newport. A media appeal was issued, and following information provided by members of the public, including footage of the dog chasing sheep, the owner was visited and dealt with by means of a Community Resolution with conditions attached. The Shepherd was updated and was happy with outcome.


The whole of the West Wight team were out on a Friday night recently conducting stop searches as part of efforts to tackle drug supply. No drugs were seized on this occasion, however this type of activity will continue, and is just one tactic open to us to target drug dealers on our Island.

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Message Sent By
Jack Backwell
(Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

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