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Good afternoon Resident 


If you find this information helpful please ‘rate’ this message at the bottom – it’s very quick and simple. 


Please spread the word to your neighbours, friends and family to sign up to Hampshire Alert, so we can reach more residents - https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/ 


I've been made aware of an ongoing parking / obstruction issue in your road.


Please report future obstructions of the pavement in the narrow roadway, using this link Report antisocial behaviour | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary  Please feel free to give the ‘what 3 words’ location and or, the nearest address no, so I know where exactly the vehicles have been parked. And also ask your neighbours to do the same. This is the advice on our website here Report illegal parking | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary as parking illegally is classed as antisocial behaviour.


I review the reports that come in at the beginning of each shift, so I know what has been reported and how many people it is affecting. I also will continue to look at the area when I am able to, with the intention of issuing a fixed penalty notice.


Please do not reply to this message to report any obstruction issues – it is important that these reports are made in the correct way and recorded on the correct system, replying or emailing direct is not the correct way to report – for exactly the reasoning above that we check to see what reports have been made and check for ongoing issues. As and when I take action I will notify the person who has made the report and I will also send out a Hampshire Alert to residents to advise of the update. If you do report obstructions and you haven’t heard anything after 1 to 2 weeks, then please do reply to me direct if you would like to chase up the reports.


Had there been an ongoing issue reported in Trent Way – I would hope that I’d have already picked this up and dealt with it. But from what I can see in our records system, no one in your road has reported any obstruction issues in the last year.


PCSO Mica Woodcock 12948. 

Hedge End Neighbourhood Policing Team.

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Message Sent By
Mica Woodcock
(Hampshire & IOW Constabulary, PCSO, West End - Hedge End Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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