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Happy Valentine's Day...but beware of scammers!

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Good morning!


As it's Valentine's Day, it’s a good time to remind our residents about scams – particularly romance scams and how scammers can draw you in. Dating or romance fraud is when you think you’ve met your perfect partner online, but they aren’t who they say they are. Once they’ve gained your trust, they ask for money for a variety of emotive reasons.


Criminals will go to great lengths to gain their target’s trust and convince them that they’re in a genuine relationship. They use language to manipulate, pursuance and exploit so that requests for money do not realise alarm bells. These requests might be highly emotive, such as criminals claiming they need money for emergency medical care, or to pay for transport costs to visit the victim if they are overseas. Scammers will often build a relationship with their victims over time. 


Signs your friend or family member may be involved in a romance scam:

  • They may be very secretive about their relationship or provide excuses for why their online partner has not video called or met them in person. They might be hostile or angry, and withdraw from conversation when you ask questions about their partner;
  • They may express very strong emotions and commitment to someone they have only just met;
  • They have sent, or are planning to send, money to someone they have not met face-to-face. They may take out loans or withdraw from their pension to send money.

    How friends or family members can stay safe from romance scams:

  • Be suspicious of any requests for money from someone you have never met in person, particularly if you have only recently met online;
  • Speak to family or friends to get advice;
  • Profile photos may not be genuine, so do your research first. Perform a reverse image search on a search engine to find photos that have been taken from somewhere, or someone, else.

    It is important that no matter how long you’ve been speaking to someone line and how much you think you trust them, if you have not met them in person it’s important that you do not:

  • Send them any money or allow them access to your bank account;
  • Transfer money on their behalf;
  • Take a loan out for them;
  • Provide them copies of your personal documents such as passports or driving licences;
  • Invest your own money on their behalf or on their advice;
  • Purchase and send the codes on gift cards from Amazon or iTunes;
  • Agree to receive and/or send parcels on their behalf.

    If you think you have been a victim of a romance scam, do not feel ashamed or embarrassed – you are not alone. Contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via actionfraud.police.uk.


    Stay safe,


    PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

    Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.


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    Message Sent By
    Ben Blundell
    (Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials