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Neighbourhood update

Good afternoon residents


We hope you are all keeping well.


We wanted to make you aware that your Neighbourhood Policing Team PCSO’s Kath, Durga and Elaine have already started the SPRING AWARENESS campaign!!


Part of our role is to problem solve and get as much crime prevention out there as possible. We have already delivered assembly’s at schools, attended meet and greets, delivered scam presentations and visited the Cubs for a ‘keep safe’ talk. 


Coming up during the rest of February and into March we have more scam presentations, a CopsNCoffee, visiting schools and Scouts and delivering Knife crime and County Lines presentations in schools. We will also plan Crime Prevention Stalls at various locations.


The ones where members of the community can attend, we will let you know in advance, hopefully we will see you there.


Please tell us what is concerning you and where you would like us to target our patrols, we would love to hear from you.


If you see anything suspicious or need to report a crime you can call 101 or 999 if needed. You can also report on line at Home | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary


Take care


Aldershot NPT

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Kathryn Blanchard

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials