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Speeding - Your Let's Talk priority and how you can help

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Dear Residents,  


You are receiving this message as in a recent Let’s Talk Survey that speeding was an issue in your community.


Speeding is one of the factors that most affects the quality of life in communities around Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It can be a factor in road traffic collisions and impacts on the day-to-day lives of people in the local community. We are always looking for community champions to volunteer in the Community Speed Watch scheme in our area.



What is Community Speed Watch?

Community Speed Watch is a scheme that enables members of the public to volunteer alongside Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary to monitor the speed of traffic passing through their area and identify vehicles which exceed the speed limit. Each scheme is run by the volunteers and supported by their local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


How does it work? 

Volunteers use equipment that can monitor the speed of passing traffic. The volunteers collect details at the roadside of speeding vehicles and pass this onto Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police. Vehicle checks are undertaken by the police and entered onto a database. The registered keeper of the vehicle will then be sent an educational letter telling them that their vehicle was seen exceeding the speed limit and the impact their actions have on the local community.


Community Speed Watch is not enforcement, it is education.


 Community Speed Watch is used throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in circumstances that are necessary, reasonable and proportionate to: 

• Improving the quality of life for local communities by increasing their confidence and satisfaction in the way speeding issues are dealt with;

• Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit • Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed • Reduce death and injury on roads;

• Empower local people to take action on local issues.


How can I join? 

If you are interested in setting up, co-ordinating and leading a CSW scheme in your local area, please email Speedwatch@hampshire.police.uk.


The Coordinator role includes:

·  Recruiting a team of volunteers – the scheme requires a minimum of 6 volunteers.

·  Arranging the loan of speed equipment from the IOW council.

·  Suggesting roads for monitoring activity – please be advised some roads will not be suitable for CSW activity.

·  Organising the CSW sessions and submitting the collected data to our central team.


We will provide training for all volunteers before any roadside activity takes place.


If this is something that interest you, please get involved and positively affect road safety in Hart.


Stay safe,


PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.


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Message Sent By
Ben Blundell
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

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