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Look up your local Neighbourhood Policing Team

Hi Resident


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Our communities want and expect to see officers and staff dealing with the issues they care about, responding when they need us, dealing with those who cause harm in our communities and making our two counties a hostile environment for criminals.


The force has identified and allocated 99 officers to be the named Local Bobbies. Each one has been assigned to a ‘neighbourhood’. Some neighbourhoods are just one ward, other neighbourhoods are several wards. The allocation of the officers has been based on crime trends.


This new scheme will ensure people know who to contact about safety and crime concerns, it will also provide ample opportunities for the community to share information and intelligence easily, ultimately helping us to police more effectively.


Your Local Bobby is a neighbourhood policing officer dedicated to your area.

They will identify threat, harm and risk to tackle local issues and protect the community. They will investigate local crimes and collect intelligence, working closely with partner agencies to identify the best problem solving approach.


They are supported by Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Neighbourhood Enforcement Teams, District Police Teams (response officers), Missing Locate Teams, Priority Crime Teams, local investigation teams and specialist functions investigating serious violence, child abuse and organised crime.


Your Local bobby will be highly visible in the community, listening to your concerns and addressing root causes of crime.


How to find out who your Local Bobby is?

Click on the link below and type in your postcode in the 'Look up your Local Bobby ' section to find out who your Local Bobby is and how to contact them, whether that be by phone or email.



While Local Bobbies are a point of contact for their communities, anyone requesting an immediate police response or wishing to report a crime should always contact us either online, via 101 or 999 if an emergency.





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Message Sent By
Jackie May
(Hampshire Constabulary, PCSO, South Wight)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials