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Neighbour Nuisance, what to do !

Hi Resident


If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (very quick and simple).


Neighbour nuisance can take a number of different forms.

​​​​​​​Common complaints include boundary disputes, noise, pet-related issues and harassment.

Advice for the public

  • Avoid confrontation

  • Record dates, times and details of the incidents and report to the appropriate authority.

  • If you live in rented accommodation inform the property owner, they may be able to offer additional support and advice.

  • Although we would all like to get along well with our neighbours, sometimes we may experience issues about noise nuisance, hedges and parking

  • If the dispute involves a statutory nuisance (something like loud music or barking dogs), you can make a complaint to your local council: https://www.hampshire-pcc.gov.uk/get-involved/taking-action/asb/contact-your-local-council



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    Message Sent By
    Jackie May
    (Hampshire Constabulary, PCSO, South Wight)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials