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Burglaries in our area

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Good morning!


Our officers have been on patrol across our area following a number of dwelling burglaries in Hart across in January and February. As such, we wanted to offer local residents some crime prevention advice.


Consider each layer of your home separately, like peeling an onion, think about the PERIMETER (fences, walls, garden planting, garage, out-buildings), the SHELL (main building, windows, locks, doors), INTERIOR (high-value items, keys, lighting). There is a good checklist available explaining detailed and easy action that can be taken on the Neighbourhood Watch website.


 For further prevention measures visit the websites below:

  • Locks, window, door and garage security: www.locksmiths.co.uk
  • Burglar alarms: make sure you use an approved installer from www.nsi.org.uk/your-home/
  • Sheds – keep equipment and ladders locked away. Visit www.soldsecure.com for tested and approved locks
  • Dusk to dawn or sensor lighting to the front and rear of your home can help deter potential thieves.
  • A house that appears occupied is less likely to be targeted by burglars, installing light switch timers inside the house can help make it appear occupied.
  • Keep high value, easily portable jewellery and equipment from being visible through a window and don’t forget to register them at immobilise.com


  • Stay safe,


     PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

    Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.


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    Message Sent By
    Ben Blundell
    (Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

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