The Police
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Beat Surgery COOP, Highlands Road, Fareham-Friday 7th March 6pm-7pm.

Dear resident, 


I will be holding a Beat Surgery at the Co-op on Highlands Road, Fareham on Friday 7th March   6pm-7pm. 


I will be focusing on home and vehicle crime prevention as we have seen an increase of these types of reports in the Fareham area.


However, I will also be there to answer any questions or concerns that you may have in the local area.


We will always look to target our patrols around what is being reported so please do report any incidents either via 101, through the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary website, or for any emergencies please call 999.


If you are unable to make it then please do message me or have your say on local priorities via the Let's Talk survey. 


Please click here to complete the survey


I look forward to seeing as many people as possible.


Kind regards,

PCSO Lianne


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Message Sent By
Lianne McAllister
(Police, PCSO, Fareham West NorthWest)

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