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Burglary Tips - Protecting Your Jewellery

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Good afternoon,


We've recently seen an increase in burglaries in our area, therefore we've agreed with our local councillors and Neighbourhood Watch to focus on sending you crime prevention advice on how you can safeguard your home.


We regularly see reports where cash and jewellery has been targeted. It's important to keep jewellery, whether expensive or sentimental, safe and sound in your home.


If you keep jewellery at home, invest in a safe which is mounted to the ground or the floor. Consider installing a monitored alarm system - your insurance company will provide advice on which type and grade of safe and alarm is compliant with your home insurance policy.


Keep an inventory of your jewellery, and upload this to www.Immobilise.com, which we search to return lost or stolen jewellery to the owner if we find it. Take pictures of your jewellery on a clear background, as this can also be uploaded.


When leaving your home, ensure doors and windows are locked and use timer switches or smart bulbs to switch lights on to make it look like someone is home during hours of darkness.


Follow this advice and keep your valuables safe!


Stay safe,


PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.



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Message Sent By
Ben Blundell
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

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