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Bike Marking in Totton

Hello to you all,

Today was a very successful day for Totton NPT while conducting their bike marking event 🚲 .  PCSO Will, PCSO Connor and PC Chungh had marked 16 bikes  in the Totton area, which if found by Police, can get then get back to their owners.

We will be looking to doing this event again in the near future. So please look out for this and when we do please let as many people know as possible.

Also tomorrow PCSO Will and PC Chungh, will be holding a beat surgery at ASDA for 11am. Please come and say hi and have a chat with them before doing your shopping.

#BikeMarking #SuccessfulDay #Tomorrow'sBeatSurgery

18356, 15961 and 27796. 


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Message Sent By
William Harris
(Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, PCSO, Totton)

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