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As Summer approaches we are starting to look at how we can best put our resources to use. There are many issues that require our attention, I would like to get your view on a crime and a non-crime issue, namely shoplifting and anti-social behaviour. The two things are connected in that they occur in and around shops. I would also be keen to hear from shop staff or those that live nearby who will have personal experience of either issues.
On receipt of this message I would be grateful if you could message me back with any information that we could use to focus our attention. This would be things like where and when it is happening and any names or descriptions you can put to people shoplifting or causing ASB. The messages come back directly to me and the information you give will be used in the strictest of confidence.
We know that these issues affect you and the wider community, we also know most of our shoplifters and ASB hot-spots but you are our eyes and ears and we are striving to make Gosport a better place to live and work.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks, Jason
You can have your say online by visiting https://survey.hampshirealert.co.uk/, you can complete the survey on multiple occasions if you have new concerns. Please forward it to your friends, family and neighbours so we can reach as many people as possible. | ||||
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