Please login or register to reply​

This is a secure system for replying to messages, to send a reply you need an account with Hampshire Alert. If you have an account, please Login here (you can recover your login details) or, to register for a free, secure account, please complete the quick form below.​
First Name


You appear to already have an account on which is great! We have a quick process to enable you to reply to this message securely and from your own account

First we need to quickly confirm that we have identified your account correctly, so we have sent an email to . The email contains a link which will take you directly to a reply screen, you will need to log in by entering the pin inside the email.

Please check your email and follow the link we have sent you.

Once you receive the email you can close this window, if you cannot find the email, please check your junk mail folder.

Having problems? Please report any issues to

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Who Can See Your Information

Select from the available providers below:
Please select at least one information provider
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Action Fraud Alert is provided by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) by the City of London Police. They send current scam and fraud notifications with advice on how to stay safe.
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The Fire & Rescue Service contributes towards creating a safe and secure community within your county. The organisation strives to inform the people and help prevent fire and road related deaths and injuries.
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Get Safe Online is the UK's leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety.
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The Police means your local Police force and a limited number of personnel from other Police Forces in the UK. They send crime updates, safety advice and requests for information.
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Neighbourhood Watch trained and licensed administrators (MSAs) assist to keep members details updated, introduce people to schemes and occasionally send messages about Neighbourhood Watch business. Opting-in to Neighbourhood Watch means a small number of approved volunteer administrators (MSAs) will be able to see your account, assist to keep members details updated, introduce people to schemes and occasionally send messages about Neighbourhood Watch business.

This does not mean that you are joining a scheme but, if you live within an approved, existing scheme area it does mean that your local approved Coordinator can access your contact details, and they may contact you to introduce themselves or add you to the local scheme (at which point you will have the option to decline).
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We are the gas emergency service, and we use Alert to provide real time information to our customers in emergencies. The messages SGN will be sending out on Alert will be purely advisory and be extremely useful to Alert users who choose to receive them.