Ventnor West
Your Local Bobby is the neighbourhood policing officer dedicated to your area.
They will identify threat, harm and risk to tackle local issues and protect the community. They will investigate local crimes and collect intelligence, working closely with partner agencies to identify the best problem solving approach.
They are supported by Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Neighbourhood Enforcement Teams, District Police Teams (response officers), Missing Locate Teams, Priority Crime Teams, local investigation teams and specialist functions investigating serious violence, child abuse and organised crime.
Expect your Local Bobby to be highly visible in the community, listening to your concerns and addressing root causes of crime.
While your Local Bobby is your local community contact, should you need an immediate police response or wish to report a crime always contact us either online (, via 101 or 999 if an emergency.

James Carey
Local Priority Issues
We regularly speak to local residents to establish what issues they may be experiencing in the area. The word cloud below represents the issues that residents of Ventnor West have highlighted as priorities for the area recently (including some that say “I have no issues”).
Word clouds are graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently. The larger the word in the visual below the more common the word was in the local survey.
We seek to tackle the issues raised in line with our Local Policing Community Charter.
To 'Have your say' on local issues, please click on the button below to complete a short survey.
What members in Ventnor West are saying are the issues in the area:
Latest Alerts

Remote Access - Denied #JustSayNo
Good afternoon, Some of the most common frauds reported to Action Fraud by residents of Hampshire an...

Let's Talk - Community Priorities on the Isle Of Wight
Hi Resident If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (ver...

Adopt a post office beat surgery : Tue 15 Apr 10:30
Dear Resident, If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom ...

OPERATION HENHOUSE - Month of Action #FightingFraud
Good afternoon, In a change to our usual fraud alerts, we’re delighted to report our Operation Henho...

SHANKLIN YOUTH CLUB : Fri 21 Mar 19.00
Dear Resident, Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team will be at Youth Club at Shankli on Frid...

Man arrested in connection with Hampshire rural estate burglary
A man has been arrested in connection with a rural estate burglary in Hampshire. On 10 December 20...

Operation Recall: Livestock Worrying - Protect Livestock and Protect Dogs
We often hear of the devastation caused by loose dogs attacking sheep in the British countryside, an...

Keanu Reeves/Brad Pitt/Kylie Monogue etc - they don't need your money
Good afternoon, We are receiving ever increasing numbers of reports from residents of Hampshire and ...
Click here to see more Alerts
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