Latest Alerts

Quadbikes & motorcycles cutting across military land in East Hampshire suspected to be involved in rural crime
Last week Country Watch officers teamed up with MOD colleagues to patrol areas around Longmoor, Bord...

Man, 33, handed Criminal Behaviour Order following anti-social behaviour in Farnborough
A man has been handed a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) following his persistent anti-social behaviou...

Community Drop In - happening today!
Officers from Eastleigh East and West Neighbourhood Policing Team will be at The Fountain Café, Shor...

Morning from Buster NPT. Firstly, we would like to thank the Buriton community for their support las...

Special Constabulary are recruiting !
Hi Resident If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (ver...

Today's beat surgery at Morrisons
Hi Resident If you find this information helpful please “rate” this message at the bottom (ver...

CCTV images released as part of Holbury shoplifting investigation
Do you recognise these men? We would like to speak to them in connection with a reported shoplifting...

Man, 43, sentenced for New Milton shoplifting
Thanks largely to your response and help following a shoplifting appeal last July, we have now anoth...

Man, 37, charged with driving offence in Fareham
A 37-year-old man from Fareham has been charged with a driving offence following a reported incident...

Theft from Motor Vehicle
Dear Member, we had a report for a theft of a purse from a vehicle in Littleton which is believed to...

Criminal Damage to Vehicles
Hi, we have had reports of criminal damage to vehicles in your area in way of ‘Keying’ (running some...

Man, 30, arrested on suspicion of criminal damage
Officers have this morning (Wednesday 12 March) arrested a 30-year-old man from New Milton on suspic...

PACT (Partners and Community Together) : Thu 27 Mar 18:00
Dear Member, We are encouraging the public to have their say, at an event as detailed below. Th...

Cops & Coffee - This Saturday @ Yateley!
**If you find this message useful, make sure to leave a rating at the bottom - it's very quick and s...

CCTV image released as part of Ringwood shoplifting investigation
Do you recognise this man? We would like to speak to him in connection with a reported shoplifting a...

Man arrested in connection with Hampshire rural estate burglary
A man has been arrested in connection with a rural estate burglary in Hampshire. On 10 December 20...

CCTV imagery released in Southampton theft investigation
Do you recognise these people?Officers investigating the theft of around £600 worth of stock from a ...

Four vehicles removed from Woolston site following increased ASB reports
Good afternoon everyone, We just wanted to update you around some work that has been done by poli...

CCTV image released as part of Chandler’s Ford shoplifting investigation
Do you recognise this man? We would like to speak to him in connection with a report of shoplifting ...

E-fit released as part of Botley sexual assault investigation
Our investigation continues into a sexual assault near Boorley Green Sports Pavilion, on the path be...